You’re in love with your pet, and that’s how your pet continues to love you.It’s...
Author - Emma Watson
Can Bird Seed Hurt Dogs? What To Do If Your Dog Eats It?
Bird seeds are often a delicious treat for some dogs. Small quantities do not cause much harm...
Why Do Turtles Open Their Mouth? Is It Normal, Or Should I Be...
Animals show a lot of body movements. These movements can be related to their behavior. Keeping an...
How Often Do You Clean A Turtle Shell?
The cleaning of turtles especially its shell depends upon the type of the turtle. Semi-aquatic...
How To Preserve Turtle Shell – Everything You Need To Know
There can be two most possible situations when someone wants to preserve a turtle’s shell...
Do Turtles Need Rocks In Their Tank?
Every pet needs a specific environment relative to its natural habitat. So, the perfect way to know...
Is Turtle Pee Harmful To Humans?
Turtle pee, like other animals excreta, contains the metabolic wastes from the body. However, when...
How To Stop Bunny From Peeing Everywhere? A Complete Guide.
No one likes his house full of pets excreta. Not only it seems gross, but it is also super...
Do Turtles Eat Fish?
Turtles are one of the most interesting pets anyone can get. Pet turtles are not only easy to groom...
Do Turtles Like Music?
I was just scrolling down the youtube when I saw a video where pet turtles are seen enjoying the...