Diet - Rabbit Rabbits

Can Bunnies Eat Strawberries? All You Need To Know.

Can bunnies eat strawberries.
Written by Emma Watson

Bunnies are lovely pets and food admirers. Having a bunny as a pet at your home is unique and taking care of their needs is vital for their health and well-being. Only carrots and lettuce are not sufficient for your bunnies; they also need a balanced diet. The main part of the bunnies’ diet should consist of a lot of fiber and clean water. But if you want to feed fruits like strawberries, the most critical question that may come to your mind may be, can bunnies eat strawberries?

Before getting into the detail, remember that fruit items should only be fed as a treat, and their safety must also be analyzed accordingly. It is because the fruits are rich in sugars and low in other major food components such as proteins, fats etc.

So, when you bring a juicy, luxurious basket of strawberries at home and your bunny hop at it, you wonder if these strawberries are okay for bunnies? Does your bunny have any health benefits with these?

The answer is a big YES!

Bunnies can safely eat strawberries if fed in moderation.

However, strawberries can only be used as a delicious treat to your bunny like all the fruits. It is a feast time for its tiny body or can be occasionally given as desert.

Fiber is the most important component of a rabbit’s diet, and sugar is at the bottom of the list. For detailed information of all the necessary percentage of nutrients in the

Strawberries are amazingly delicious and ripe berries and are a favorite for humans and bunnies alike. Strawberries and other sugary fruits and vegetables are like junk food for rabbits, therefore only given moderate amounts as treats. Their digestive system can easily digest them only in small quantities. So, be very careful with the number of fruits for bunnies.

Now, you must be wondering what the safe limit of strawberries for rabbits is. Before getting into the detail of the number of strawberries for rabbits, let us slide through strawberries’ nutritional content. It might then be easier for you to understand the concept behind quantity.

Nutrition In Strawberries:

Strawberries are rich in nutrients and surprisingly low in calories.

Major Nutritional Components:

According to US, Department of Agriculture, 166g or one cup of sliced strawberries have

Content Quantity
53 kcal
12.75 g
1.11 g
Dietary fiber
3.30 g

So, we have the following graph (1.1)

Vitamins And Minerals:

1.1 Nutrients In One Cup Of Strawberries (166g)

Now when it comes minerals and vitamins, these are also essential for mainting the health and normal metabolism of the rabbit. Strawberries are a rich source of essential minerals and antioxidants. In 166g of strawberries, we have

Vitamin And Minerals In One Cup Of Strawberries
0.68 mg
27 mg
254 mg
22 mg
40 mg
Vitamin A
28 international units (IU)
Vitamin C
97.60 mg
40 micrograms

So, we have :

Insight From Nutritional Content Data:

From the above data, you come to know the following facts:

  1. Strawberries are rich in sugars
  2. Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and other vitamins
  3. Strawberries are low in fiber.
  4. Strawberries have a considerable proportion of proteins.

From all these facts, you can understand that strawberries are one of the luxurious sources of the essential nutrient. However, there are also multiple health risks associated with them which can have detrimental long-term effects. So it would be best if you stayed on the safer side to avoid any undesirable effect yet have all the benefits at the same time.

How Often Can Bunnies Take Strawberries?

For an average-sized bunny, strawberry quantity should not exceed 30g/day.

Moreover, do not feed strawberries more than twice a week.

First of all, you should buy high-quality strawberries from the market. All food should be visually inspected to get healthy food for your bunny. A whole strawberry might almost be considered a feast for small rabbits. However, be sure to break them up into slices to avoid overburdening your rabbit’s digestive system. Strawberry consumption should be limited to 1-2 tablespoons per day for an average-sized bunny. Strawberries should be served sliced, cut, or whole. 1-2 tablespoon equal to one and half of medium-sized strawberry.

More giant and adult rabbits, on the other hand, can comfortably consume 2-3 strawberries in one sitting. Make sure the bits aren’t causing any choking hazards for smaller rabbits – size them appropriately.

Only keep in mind that strawberries can only be consumed on rare occasions. No matter how adorable it is to see your pet eat a juicy strawberry, it’s best to save them once or twice a week.

Health Benefits Of Strawberries:

Strawberry comes with the botanical name of “Fragaria ananassa.” It is a member of the rose family, and it is the only fruit that has seeds outside. Despite their name, strawberries are not technical berries. They are accessory fruits. Strawberries are the fruits that ripen each spring. Here are some health benefits for bunnies eating strawberries:

Maintain Blood Pressure:

Due to salt imbalance in the body, the blood pressure of the rabbits can rise. This high pressure can have multiple effects on the heart and blood vessels of the rabbit. Strawberries are an excellent source of potassium, which counters the effect of sodium in the body and reduces blood pressure.

Excellent Antioxidant Capability:

Vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants in the world. Free radicals are always produced in the body, which, if not destroyed duly, can cause rapid aging, which also affects the lifespan of the rabbit. Moreover, they are also the most common cause of cancer in living organisms.

Antioxidants destroy not only free radicals but also have a significant effect on inflammation. Strawberries have high levels of heart-healthy antioxidants such as ellagic acid and flavonoids. Moreover, it is loaded with Vitamin C. The antioxidants in strawberries help in detoxification and reduce inflammation. Furthermore, The abundance of antioxidants in strawberries helps to prevent the formation of blood clots. Special components found in strawberries called “flavonoids” work against cancer and oxidative stress.


Fibers are one of the essential parts of the diet of a bunny. As a matter of fact, a rabbit must have 18-25% of total diet content as fibers to stay healthy. Though strawberries are not very rich in fibers, they do have a significant amount. The dietary fiber provided by strawberries helps to maintain appropriate glucose levels.

Protect From Chronic Diseases:

Strawberries as a whole are very important in preventing most of the chronic illnesses in rabbits. Along with preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancer, it also helps to strengthen the immune system more together. It results in the prevention of lethal infections and multiple illnesses. In fact, strawberries are loaded with all the essential nutrients that are required to keep your furry friend fit and healthy.

Health Risk Associated With Strawberries

Although strawberries are considered safe for your rabbits, yet they can have some adverse effects in certain circumstances.

High Sugar Content:

The digestive system of rabbits is quite different from that of humans. They do not possess constant movement of stomach muscles which help to digest food and high fiber content. Strawberries contain a lot of sugar. Eating this kind of food greater than the required amount can cause diarrhea, bloating, and other digestive problems. You should give strawberries to your bunny only at moderate levels.

Over Ripened Strawberries:

Always check the strawberries before feeding them to your bunny. Avoid over-ripened and rotten strawberries. They can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Pesticides And Parasites:

The majority of the fruits, including strawberries in the market, are sprayed with harmful chemicals like pesticides. After buying fresh strawberries from the market, wash them properly. In this way, they will be free of any parasites and pesticides. Parasites can cause problems with the health of bunnies.

Allergic Reactions

Strawberries contain a relatively significant amount of histamine, which is associated with allergies. The bunny who is allergic to strawberry should avoid it. So, if your bunny is lately showing allergies to food high in histamines or other food allergies, you must always be very careful at feeding the strawberries. Consult your vet before adding them to the diet of your bunny.

Can Rabbits Have Strawberries Daily?

Strawberries have multiple health benefits, yet there are certain health risks associated with them. So, do not feed strawberries to your bunny daily. Look into other diet options for your bunny and mix them intelligently into the diet of your bunny.

For example: As a source of antioxidants, you may switch with tomatoes occasionally and so on. Making a diet chart for your rabbit and recording every meal is the best thing you can do. Then you can easily track, manage and discuss multiple food combinations for your little friend, to make eating joyful and to ensure its health and safety at the same time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can Bunnies Eat Cooked Strawberries?

No, bunnies cannot eat cooked strawberries. Everything given to feed the bunny should be provided in fresh and raw form. The digestive system of rabbits cannot handle any form of cooked food, including cooked strawberries. They can get their desired nutrients from raw food.

  • Can Bunnies Eat Strawberry Leaves And Top?

Bunnies can also enjoy chewing on strawberry leaves along with strawberries. They love to be occupied by chewing little things in their mouth. The stem of strawberries is short and thin, and their texture is not too hard. So, it is safe to have a bit of stem along with strawberries. Rabbits can also eat strawberry tops as long as they are fresh and clean.

In fact, greens of strawberries are more beneficial for rabbits than the flesh. But just like other things, it can stick to the bunny’s mouth and can cause choking. Constantly monitor your bunny while feeding this berry snack. Moreover, never over do it, even if they are greens. Staying in moderation with fruits is the key that applies here too.

  • Can Bunnies Eat Strawberry Seeds?

 It is okay if the strawberry seeds are not removed before serving fresh strawberry pieces to your bunny. Bunnies can quickly eat these tiny seeds of the strawberries. Moreover, they do not have any harmful chemicals in them. So, go with lots of seeds in them. It will stimulate their gut.

  • Can Bunnies Eat Dried Strawberries?

Only fresh strawberries should be given to bunnies and rabbits. Dried ones are not preferred. Dried strawberries contain extra sugars and can negatively affect the health of your pet.

  • Can Bunnies Eat Strawberry Jam or Jelly?

No, bunnies should not be given any sort of jelly or jam, including strawberry varieties. They contain excess added sugars, which not good for their health. 

  • When Can Bunnies Eat Strawberries?

Young bunnies have a very sensitive digestive system, so they should not be given anything that can put the system under stress.

So, never feed your bunny with fruits unless it reaches 12 weeks or 3 months of its age.

  • Can Rabbits Have Frozen Strawberries?

Yes, rabbits can safely have frozen strawberries. In fact, frozen strawberries are one of the best treats in summer. Thaw the frozen berries completely before feeding in colder weather.


Strawberries are one of the best occasional treats that you can want for your bunnies due to their relatively well-balanced sugar and fiber content. Strawberries are a healthy diet for bunnies as long as they are taking them occasionally and in required amounts. They should never be allowed to eat as many strawberries as they can.

If you are feeding more strawberries than required, it can also have multiple side effects, as described above. So, when you’re in the desire to treat your rabbit to something special at its birthday or if it behaves well, strawberries are a great selection!

I hope this article proves useful for you, and now you understand how much strawberries can be given to bunnies. For any further queries, you may drop down the comment or contact us. We would be happy to help.

All the information in this article is from credible resources, including:

  1. Rabbit Feeding and Nutrition by P.R. Cheeke
  2. Rabbits Health, Husbandry & Diseases by V Richardson
  3. Textbook of Rabbit Medicine by Frances Harcourt-Brown
  4. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Veterinary Medicine.
  5. The National Research Council Publication on Rabbit Nutrients
  6. Day to day experience and record from clinical practices
  7. Things and hacks that work for me.