
When Do Puppies Start Barking At Strangers?

When Do Puppies Start Barking At Strangers
Written by Daniel Paul

Dogs come with a range of different vocalizations, among which barking is on the top of the list. All dogs do not bark to the same degree as their system of communication has various factors, which is definitely not limited to their vocalization.

Posture and body language are also of great significance. However, barking is a bit more obvious since they are attention-grabbing.

If you have got a new puppy, you must be wondering, “When do puppies start barking at strangers?” You might be worried if they are going to bark loud or their lack of barking gives you an alarming problem?

No worries! In this blog, we are going to discuss the following:

A dog’s bark is triggered by several different factors. So far as the form of communication is concerned, they bark to attract human attention. Hence we must be aware and never ignore a dog’s bark.


However, giving special attention to their barking is not about encouraging it. As you live with your dog, you will start learning his different types of barking that vary in tone, frequency, volume, and intensity.

The emotions which can trigger a dog’s bark are enthusiasm, alertness, stress, fear, or surprise. Besides, there are also many other undetectable alerts leading to a dog barking.

The emotions are induced by different stimuli in their surroundings. The main reasons for a dog’s barking are multifaceted and varied as well. However, the general causes are as under:

  • Enthusiasm
  • Stress
  • Boredom
  • Poor education
  • Frustration
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Health problems


It is good to know that dog barking doesn’t demonstrate his threat or aggressiveness. It is the most often a warning or alarming signal that is directed to their family, either human or canine.

As we all know that barking is the most important thing in a dog’s life, so it would surely help us to know when he is going to start barking, so that we could better understand their development.

When does a puppy start barking?

Many of the first-time dog owners wonder when their puppy would start barking for the very first time. A puppy starts vocalizing within the first weeks. However, most of the puppies do it later despite having the ability.

Similarly, your dog’s first bark would be quite different from the ones he would later emit during his adult period, and so does with his other vocalizations like howling or growling.

Around 5 to 6 weeks, the puppy will be practicing his vocalizations to the maximum level at which he is able to create his first bark. It is only an average timeframe; most of the dogs may take longer while others could be more precocious.

Puppies start barking for several different reasons, similar to adult dogs. However, their vocalization is more likely to be a part of their learning development.

A human baby makes noises to learn a language, so does a puppy. He will create sounds to interact with their surroundings. They might be calling attention to us, to their mom, or to indicate that they are to play with their siblings.

How to control a dog's barking?

To prevent the dogs from barking, it is essential to know what made it triggered. Once we are aware, we can detect what is wrong with them and what could calm them.

However, most of the dogs bark only when they are feeling alone. This is generally known as separation anxiety, and they start barking when they are alone for a period of time.

Another reason for over barking in puppies could be due to the presence of strangers around them. When we are having a visitor at our home, their enthusiasm makes them barking at right the door or sometimes at the sound of a doorbell.

In this case, the barking is mostly a sign of the bond between both of you. They bark to alert us for a possible danger as they observe the visitor.

Even though, sometimes it seems impossible to determine the reason behind a puppy’s barking. This is mostly because they bark due to stimuli that are usually undetectable to us.

But we still need to endeavor to know the cause of barking and calm whenever it happens. If a puppy barks at the strangers on the street, it is best to stay calm. Instead of pulling their harness and scolding them, one must stop and order the dogs to sit still.

Why is my puppy not barking?

Although all the barks do not bark to the same extent, some of this is because of their breeds, which are less predisposed. If your puppy is barking less or more than other puppies, you know, it doesn’t represent a serious issue necessarily.

It is also good to remember that it may take a while for your puppy to grow their barking skills, so you are not supposed to worry if he is at a young age.

In most cases, a dog might bark less than they have made before. One of the leading causes of this is because of their age. When a puppy becomes older, they lack stress and enthusiasm in general, as a result of which they bark less.

Puppies may also lack barking when they feel unwell. Inflammation that is mainly caused by laryngitis could lead to your dog not barking as much as the daily routine. Still, certain diseases might deplete their inner energy to the level, and even barking becomes difficult for them.


Finally, when you adopt an adult dog or puppy into your family, it would take some time for him to get used to their new environment. Furthermore, if they are being ignored, abandoned, or left alone most frequently, they take longer to develop their barking skills and vice versa.