Diet - Rabbit Rabbits

Can Rabbits Eat Cucumber?

Can Rabbits Eat Cucumber
Written by Daniel Paul

We all have a concept at one time in life that rabbits binge on carrots and greens. Moreover, the need to have lots of fruits and other vegetables to live well. Well, it is true to some extent. Rabbits do need fruits and vegetables to have good health but not in excess quantity.

The diet of a pet rabbit must have a well-balanced portion of macronutrients with an excess of fibres that comes from hay. It is great to understand the amount of nutrients rabbits require, and which foods are great for your little bunny. You can then easily make a seasonal diet chart for your little furry fellow and enjoy it hoping in good health.

Cucumbers are the staple food in every kitchen around the globe. So, when you questioned us about the safety and efficacy of cucumber in the diet of rabbits, we thought to write in detail about this aspect.

So, continue with us and learn till the very end to know everything about cucumbers in the diet of the rabbits.

If you are wondering that can rabbits have cucumber as a snack in their diet, the answer is yes!

Yes, Rabbits can eat cucumber but in a moderate amount.

Rabbits have to include vegetable and fruits as a small portion of their diet. Therefore, this portion should not go to waste in adding low nutrition foods such as cucumbers, celery etc.

Although the main part of a rabbit’s diet should consist of pellets, vegetables and fruits should also be included in the diet. Rabbits should have unlimited access to fresh hay and water. Around 80-90% of the daily food should come from hay. The remaining should come from high-quality pellets and fresh rabbit-safe vegetables. Consult with your vet for any concerns regarding your rabbits’ diet.

They can also have fruits as snacks but only once in a while. Cucumber is a fruit because it contains small quantities of sugar.

How Much Cucumber Rabbits Can Have?

Rabbits can safely eat cucumber in moderate amounts. Cucumbers are non-toxic to rabbits in any way. Also, they enjoy the taste of it while eating. The crunch is rabbits all-time favourite and cucumbers satiate their craving. While in large quantities, your pet can have health problems and suffer from severe malnutrition.

Cucumber is not a high-nutrient food for your rabbit. It is deficient in the majority of the nutrients that your pet requires to stay healthy. However, cucumbers do contain a lot of water, minerals and vitamins

So, The Rabbits can take 1-2 slices of cucumber every other week for the best health benefits.

Nutrition In Cucumbers:

Cucumber is low in the caloric count but is high in mineral and vitamin content. Let us have a look at the most important components in cucumbers:

Macronutrient In Cucumbers:

In 300 gram of unpeeled raw cucumber we have:

Macronutrients In Cucumbers
45 kcal
11 gram
Macronutrient In Cucmbers

Micronutrients in Cucumber:

Cucumber has a significant amount of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the healthy upbringing of a pet bunny. In terms of vitamins and minerals we have:

Micronutrients In Cucumber
Vitamin C
Vitamin K

Interpretations From Graph:

From the above graph we can interpret that:

  1. Cucumbers are rich in antioxidants and other vitamins necessary for a healthy well-balanced diet.
  2. Cucumbers are rich in hydration.
  3. Cucumbers are not rich in calories, therefore, should not be given to juvenile bunnies.
  4. Cucumbers can be ideal treats for bunnies fighting obesity and diabetes.
  5. Cucumbers can be great for bunnies struggling with hypercalcemia.

Advantages Of Cucumber In Rabbit's Diet

There a lot of benefits to feeding cucumbers to rabbits.

  1. Cucumbers are high in nutrients and low in calories. So, they make a quite healthy snack.
  2. Cucumbers are high in water (about 95 per cent water), which helps rabbits stay hydrated.
  3. During digestion, cucumbers form a gel-like substance and slow down digestion. They are great for the weight management of rabbits.
  4. Cucumbers are good for use in summer because their internal temperature is low than the temperature of the surrounding.
  5. Cucumbers contain a lot of water content. It keeps your rabbit skin healthy.
  6. The silica present in cucumber helps to keep the connective tissues of rabbits strong.
  7. Cucumber contains phytonutrients that have anti-cancer properties.
  8. Cucumber contains antioxidants including Vitamin C and Beta-Carotene. They help to keep the immune system of rabbits strong.

Disadvantages Of Cucumber

Although cucumber in small quantities is safe for rabbits to eat; yet it can cause some problems.

Low Fibre Content

One of the biggest disadvantages of feeding cucumbers for rabbits is that they are low in fibre content which is required by the rabbits.

Unlike humans, rabbits do not possess the characteristic movement of digestive muscles i.e peristalsis. So, they require a diet high in fibre content. Cucumbers contain fibre but it does not correlate with the amount required by the rabbits. They also contain some quantity of sugar. So, they can only have cucumbers as a treat.

Digestive Problems

The digestive system of rabbits is evolved to have fibre content. Cucumber contains a lot of water i.e 96%. If rabbits eat a snack containing too much water, it can lead to stomach problems such as diarrhoea.

Dental Problems

A rabbit who consumes a lot of cucumbers may become malnourished. They would not have a desire for the foods that give the majority of their nutrients if we fill their little bellies with fruit. Rabbits who consume more fruit than they should develop dental problems. Their teeth are ground down by the thick, stiff hay they eat. A rabbit’s teeth may grow longer than they should if they eat too much soft food. It’s better to prevent this as it is a terrible experience for your pet.

How To Feed Cucumber To Rabbit Safely?

The most important concern you can have while feeding cucumbers is how to feed them safely. The following considerations must be kept in mind while feeding cucumbers to rabbits.

  1. There are two varieties of cucumbers i.e slicing and pickling cucumbers. Try to feed cucumber to rabbits in raw slices instead of pickles.
  2. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly with water before feeding. It is better to choose organic cucumbers for your rabbit.
  3. If your rabbit doesn’t like the cucumber skin, you can remove it (although a lot of the nutrients are concentrated in the skin).
  4. Keep in mind that your rabbit’s daily salad should include roughly five different veggies that are cycled regularly.
  5. Rabbits should only be given 1-2 tiny cucumber slices per week.
  6. Introduce cucumber to rabbit’s diet slowly to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  7. Rabbits younger than 12 months should not take fruits and vegetables including cucumber.
  8. If you are feeding cucumbers to rabbits grown in your garden, do not use fertilizers or pesticides on plants.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How Often Do Rabbits Require Leafy Greens?

Every day, rabbits require a wide variety of leafy green vegetables. A recommended amount of leafy green veggies is around two cups of various sorts.

  1. Can Rabbits Eat Cucumber Seeds?

You should be aware that seeds can only bring them joy, so do not deprive them of it. Of course, some seeds are harmful or even poisonous, but this is not the case with cucumber seeds, so don’t be concerned.

  1. Can Rabbits Eat Cucumber Peels?

Cucumber skin contains a lot of fibre. It is good for your rabbit’s health. The skin of the cucumber is rough and bitter, so most rabbits do not enjoy the texture of the skin. They only like the interior part.  

  1. Can Rabbits Eat Cucumber Leaves?

Not only the seeds, but rabbits can eat flowers, skin, and leaves of cucumber plants as well. Since cucumber leaves are edible and non-toxic as they are also low in oxalates. If consumed in excess, oxalates can not only limit nutrient absorption but cause kidney damage as well. Since leaves are low in oxalates, so rabbits can take cucumber leaves without fear of consuming too many oxalates. 


Bunnies are some of the most wonderful and low maintenance pets. Their diet is simple, however, you need to know which plant-based products are beneficial for your little friend. Moreover, you need to know which quantities are best. Also, balance out the macros with other food items in the diet of your bunny and better make a diet chart.

Hope this article cleared all your queries. If you still have any question you may comment below or contact us. We would be happy to help.