Here are the most common questions we get related to turtle’s emotional behaviour
- Do Turtles Have Feelings?
Turtles do not have feelings like humans. Their behaviours express their feelings. So you can say when your turtle is happy or feeling low, it’s its feeling.
If you keep more than one male turtle in a single tank, they will fight. So, this is a feeling of anger.
Yes, turtles do cry. In fact, tears are shed for some particular reason. Turtles do not cry because they are sad or feeling heartbroken.
They do cry for multiple other reasons. The chief of these is trying to get rid of the excess salt in the eyes.
If your turtle seems lethargic, tired is hiding all the time having breathing issues. These all signs indicate that there might be something wrong with your turtle. If you are unable to handle such situations, you can call a reptile veterinarian.
Another sign is when your turtles completely ignore the fish in the tank and prioritise sitting in a corner rather than roaming.
- How To Make Your Turtle Healthy..?
A healthy turtle requires to get excellent living conditions! And what are great living conditions..?
These include a properly balanced diet. A mixture of both living and dead insects, treats, and veggies. Tank having both a water body and a dry place. Good basking source and area.
So, it would be best if you did not feed them excessively as well as not underfeed them
- How To Make your Turtle More Happy And Active?
You can make your turtle active by putting a dinner for them in the tank. One best option is to hide the food behind the rock. In this way, the turtle will move and search for its food. You can also keep small fish like feeder fish or snails in the tank. This will improve your turtle attacking skills and activity level.
- Do Turtles Get Depressed?
Yes, turtles do get depressed. The depression is due to the following reasons:
- Loud noises or music.
- More interactions with strangers.
- Any pet from which your turtle can feel threatened.
- Bad food.
- Bad water temperature.
- Your turtle is pregnant.
There is nothing you can do to calm down your turtle. You have to wait for the turtle to lay its eggs.
Turtles do not smile. But super adorable permanent smile turtles do exists.