Bearded Dragon

Complete Guide For German Bearded Dragon

Written by Mehwish Imtiaz

Who can have a cooler hobby than studying and petting reptiles? There are multiple pet animal species in the reptilian class that are human-friendly, and the most popular of them are bearded dragons.

Bearded dragons are one of the most amazing pets anyone could have. They are super cool with surprisingly smart habits and features. And above all, these are low maintenance, human friendly, and live well in most regions of the world.

Nowadays, german giant bearded dragons are in high demand all over the globe. However, they are a bit different to work with than ordinary bearded dragons. Also, you have to make sure to buy them from trusted bearded dragon breeders. Reputed breeders give you the actual morph you are looking for with hierarchy proof that can be traced to its parents.

Once you got a really big german lizard for you, you have to master how to take care of it to keep it healthy. So, I have decided to compile a detailed care sheet for your new pet to help you with every aspect of its life and grooming.

Continue reading till the end, and do not forget to pen down important points for you.

Giant German bearded Dragons are a member of the reptile family and originated from Australia. They are found mostly in deserts, sub-tropical, and grassland areas and are well adapted to dry, humid, and warm atmospheres. In addition, they also require a little rain for drinking and to moisten their hard and tough skin.

Scientific Classification of German Bearded Dragon.
Sub Order
Pogona Vitticeps

German Bearded dragons fall in the species of Inland or central bearded dragons and are one of the most popular morphs of this species.

Why Are Giant German Bearded Dragons Named So?

Scientists usually experiment with the genes of organisms to form individuals of great importance. Positive and healthy genes of different parent organisms are used to form a new individual of those character traits as prominent (SELECTIVE BREEDING).

So is in the case with German Giant dragons. The two-parent Dragons are bred, which are larger than the ordinary, normal bearded ones, and the offspring which they get have sizes very large compared to others. They can grow way longer than ordinary dragons, which you can understand by their sizes.

Interesting Fact:

 German giant bearded dragons are more than 10 times larger than ordinary bearded dragons!

Comparison Between A Regular Bearded Dragon And German Giant Bearded Dragon

German giant bearded dragon varies a lot in height and weight from the regular bearded dragon. Here is a comprehensive list for you to analyze if you actually got a true german giant bearded dragon.

Characteristics German Giant Bearded Dragon Normal Bearded Dragon

Baby Size (From the hatch – 6 Months of age)

8 to 56 cm
8 to 36 cm

Adult Size (7 – 24 Months)

64 to 89 cm
41 to 61 cm


Insects, veggies
Insects, veggies


0.85 to 1 kg
0.4 to 0.5 kg (400-500 grams)


Relative Data Of Giant German And Ordinary Bearded Dragon.

Moreover, you can also have your vet take blood tests of your bearded dragon and examine it thoroughly to confirm the breed for you.

Also, it is difficult to differentiate between an ordinary bearded dragon and a giant german one in its baby or juvenile form. So, it is better to have your vet confirm the case for you.

Can I Pet A German Giant Bearded Dragon?

Beardies are quite excellent pets because of their low maintenance and their interactive and friendly nature. They can be a good company for you. Still, on the other hand, they will require an appropriate environment/climate which is close to their native Australian climatic conditions.

 Here are a few points which will require your attention if you want to pet a German Giant Bearded Dragon:


German Giant Bearded dragons have an average lifespan of up to 8 years, but some can also live up to 11 to 12 years.

Therefore, These pets can live and accompany you for up to a decade. This makes them one of the best options for you to have as pets.

Just got a bearded dragon or are excited to get one as pet for you? Check out each and every important detail about keeping bearded dragons as pets

From diet to grooming, care, health, training, behaviour and housing we have discussed all in detail.

The lifespan of the morphs can be affected by several mishandling factors, which include:

  1. Temperature changes.
  2. Too hot and too cold temperatures can also affect the lifespan of German Bearded dragons.
  3. Any imbalance between their appetite schedule.
  4. No proper availability of sunlight.
  5. Lack of water intake.
  6. Attack of a parasite or a particular disease.


As you know, german giant bearded dragons are found chiefly in deserts. So, they require a humid and hot atmosphere.

You just need to keep them in the tank, which is exposed to direct sunlight. These morphs require a large tank or floor surface area because of their exercise and basking. You can also put a wood (log) either in the tank or outside in an open space for their leisurely basking. 

Ideal Atmosphere

An ideal atmosphere for a german bearded dragon requires a proper balance between temperature and semi-frequent rainfall:


The temperature range of the closure housing your pet german bearded dragon must lie between 80 to 100 F  

Although german bearded dragons are cold-blooded animals and can maintain their body temperature, they still need a balanced temperature range.

They require a warm temperature to maintain their body’s natural temperature balance. Sometimes bearded dragons change the color of their back, indicating stress or not suitable temperature range. By changing the color, they regulate their temperature.

Usually, german bearded dragons change from a light color to dark which means from hot to a cooler body temperature.


German bearded dragons require a little rainfall. You can also sprinkle water on them as a substituent if there is no rain. Rainwater is used for their drinking, and it also softens their skin which aids in shedding. As the skin softens, it becomes easier for them to shed.


German bearded dragons are omnivores. It means they feed on both plants and animals. Moreover, they also need multiple supplements, most important of which are those of calcium along with a calorie-rich diet.

You need to introduce a lot of variety in food options when it comes to the fruits and vegetable part. To maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet, it should have all in one bowl of salad. Bearded dragons have tiny stomachs. So, you need to make sure they get a lot from the small bowel.

You can feed apples, raspberries, celery, cilantro, broccoli, parsley, grapes, cantaloupe, and even oranges. However, you need to be very vigilant with the amount of each food item you are adding to the bowel.

For detailed information on the diet of bearded dragon, what to feed and what to avoid, with correct proportions and feeding schedules you may give this article a quick read: What Do Bearded Dragons Eat? A-Z Feeding Guide With Schedule.

The diet proportion of a bearded dragon varies a lot with age. Baby and juvenile bearded dragons need more proteins as they are actively growing. Moreover, they also need regular food supplements.

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Diet Of German Bearded Dragon

Baby Giant German Bearded Dragon

80% Protein
20% Plant Based Material

Juvenile Giant German Bearded Dragon

50% Protein
50% Plant Based Material

Adult Giant German Bearded Dragons

20% Protein
80% Plant Based Material

The source of protein is usually insects or pellets.

  1. Usually, it would be best to feed more meaty things, including insects, to the baby and a growing bearded dragon. The baby and juvenile bearded dragon’s diet pattern must include 80-50% insects and 20-50% other fruit and vegetables.
  2. However, for adults, one that has reached its full length more significant portion of fruits and vegetables in the diet is good to go. You may go for 75-85% fruits and vegetables and 20-25% insects.
Bearded Dragon Graph


The process of shedding in bearded dragons is very common in all its species. During the process of shedding, the bearded dragon goes sluggish, reluctant to eat food and handled, and violent.

If your morph is shedding, then try not to touch and peel off their skin because it is a natural process. And, if you interrupt, it can be dangerous for your cute little beardie friend.

If you want to make your pet’s shedding process easier, just moisten their skin. Never try to peel off the skin yourself, and let your pet take its time.

By peeling it off, it can bleed, and the area will become sensitive. This can expose your pet to various diseases, including a parasite attack. The process of shedding is different in the early and adult age. This difference is described below:

Baby German Bearded Dragons' Shedding

Small beardies do shed very frequently. You must treat them with love and care in this period of shedding as they are in discomfort. Make sure to maintain the humidity of the environment and wet the skin frequently.

Also, make sure you never forget to feed it at its scheduled time.

Adult German Bearded Dragons Shedding

Adult Beardies shed very less almost once or twice a year. During this period, avoid handling your bearded dragon. Also, maintain the humidity and moisten the skin frequently to ensure easy peel.

If your pet is behaving a bit odd, sluggish, and violent, do not worry. This behavior is completely normal during the shedding process.

To know more about the shedding process of a bearded dragon and how to take care of your pet during this period, give this article a quick read: Do Bearded Dragons Shed?

Partner Pets

You should keep them as single pets. No doubt they can be good friends with other pets, but it is usually uncommon. For example, if you keep

Two Males Together

It will be difficult and rather impossible to keep two male Giant German Dragons together in a single tank. It is because they will fight during their adult or maturity period.

The fight is usually their dominant behavior and can result in injuring one fellow seriously and even killing. Moreover, this also induces violent behaviors in your pet for other organisms too.

Two Females Together

The chance of clash is less in the case of females. But it can also happen in some circumstances. So, in my opinion, it is better for you not to keep them as partner pets to avoid any unprecedented fight resulting in the injury of your pet.

However, you can keep them together temporarily, e.g., during cleaning tank, etc.

One Male And One Female

One best option is to keep a pair of male and female. They’ll prove to be the best partners. But in this case, one problem which can arise while keeping the opposite genders together is that there will be uncontrolled breeding which can prove to be a disadvantage for you.

How German Bearded Dragons Behave With Other Specie Pets?

These morphs are uncomfortable with other species, for example, dogs and cats. They feel threatened around any large-bodied organism, which is natural for any animal. They consider them predators, and in reaction, they can attack and harm them. If you have other pets, try your best not to make their contact. Try to make them as far as possible to avoid any injury to either of your pet.

But sometimes, as a coincidence, they can prove to be best friends. They can enjoy themselves together and can have a strong and compatible bond. But again, it is not common.

My beardie and puppy live well together. So, yeah, that is possible too. However, you will have to be very gradual and gentle in introducing your beardie to other large-bodied creatures. Make sure other pets have mild and friendly behavior too.

Can German Bearded Dragons Attach Themselves Emotionally?

Beardies are loving. You can lay them on yourself while watching television or reading any book or a newspaper and pet them. They don’t usually show their emotions to their owners. But sometimes, they can lick you, indicating that they are in love and comfort zone with you.

However, this happens almost rarely. They are not as loyal and affectionate as dogs or cats. Also, they are more attracted to food and consider you their safest spot. So, all their love is the result of that.

Reproduction In Giant German Bearded Dragons

Female morphs can lay eggs after been mated with males. But in some circumstances, the female morphs can lay eggs individually. Problems shall arise in both of the situations, including premature and undeveloped birth and a number of diseases. Embryo also develops organs outside of their bodies scarcely ever.

Females can lay eggs up to 14.

Giant female morphs can also lay up to 60 eggs. 

Diseases In German Bearded Dragon

German bearded Dragons can catch several diseases if they lack adequate attention and care of their owners. These diseases are injurious to health and can sometimes be fatal. Some of the diseases which might affect your morph are listed below :

  2. Whose symptoms include diarrhea and body pain.
  3. Respiratory and lungs issues.
  4. Attack of the parasite.
  5. Parasites are those organisms that take food and shelter from other organisms and, in return, harm them. Some parasites are so poisonous that they stick to the organism for the rest of their lives and can even kill them.
  6. Many metabolic issues.
  7. Enlargement of a certain tissue at the back affects the spinal cord leading to a posture imbalance.
  8. “Adenovirus” (ADV) is the most damaging of all. This is a life-threatening disease because it has no proper drug for its treatment. It can be fatal, and your bearded dragon can only live for a few months after being infected by it.

Growth Of German Giant Bearded Dragon

As discussed before, German Giant bearded dragons can be easily distinguished by their appearance and habitat requirements from ordinary bearded dragons. The growth rate of this morph is also significantly different from other species of bearded dragons.

To understand the difference, you can go through the table given below:

Characteristics Other Dragons: (Normal Bearded) German Bearded Dragon:


Up till 21-24 inches. After a certain age, their rate of growth becomes moderate.
25-30 inches depending upon the gender. After a certain age, their rate of growth becomes moderate.


500 grams or less.
800 – 1000 grams, depending upon the gender.

S Relation Between Weight

50% Lighter than German bearded ones.
50% heavier than normal ones.

Head And Body

The Head is bigger compared to the body
The body is bigger comparative to head



Why Does The German Giant Bearded Dragon Bite?

These dragons do not often bite you normally.  But they can bite you because of the following occasions:

Out Of Hunger

These morphs usually bite when they are hungry. Don’t be alarmed as the intensity of the bite is less and is not harmful. To avoid this, you just need to take care of your pet’s eating schedule.

In UnComfortable State

It can also happen when it is not comfortable around you, but it will often prefer to run away or to avoid you instead of biting.

To understand in detail about biting behavior of bearded dragons, you can give this article a quick read: Do bearded dragons bite?

Disadvantages Of Having A Giant German Bearded Dragon As A Pet

  1. As they are a little grumpy, they can bite you in discomfort, as described above. Sometimes the bite can cause serious injuries, after which you will require medical treatment.
  2. While keeping them as your pets, you must need to take precautionary measures. Try to avoid kissing them because they contain salmonella in their gut which they can pass onto you. It will be very dangerous for you.
  3. It is okay to pet a female German Bearded dragon as they are calm in almost every situation. The problem shall arise in the case of a male morph as they are not flexible enough to mold themselves in every situation. They are more likely to become aggressive sometimes (depending upon their mood) and can bite more strongly than a female morph.


You see, giant German Bearded Dragon is one of the best pets you ever had. You do not need to worry a lot about their grooming. However, they still need to be cared for and petted. If you learn everything once in detail about these pets, you will never be facing any trouble with caring for these lovely creatures.

I hope this article answered all of your questions. In case of any further queries, you may drop down the comment or contact us. We would be happy to help.