
What Human Foods Can Frogs Eat?

What Human Foods Can Frogs Eat
Written by Emma Watson

It’s essential to understand what they’re eating before bringing any new pet home. Frogs can be helpful and exciting additions, but only if you feed them properly. So, what do the frogs eat?

Frogs are hunters who cannot only feed things that dogs do.

Which makes it more complicated than adopting them? Frogs eat a variety of wild insects. Frogs are predators that usually eat only moving things — that means feeding live insects to your frog!

Usually, we see a frog catching an annoying bug with its tongue quickly retracted, which is generally essential when thinking about what a frog eats.

It is understandable because frogs live in wet environments where bugs make their homes. Yet a lot of frogs are looking for food from sources other than insects.

Remember, as your tiny tree frog grabs a grasshopper, it may also consume gravel or other matter on the ground of your habitat, so it’s essential to have a surface for a frog with digestible food besides the food not easily consumable by them.

The simple technique used from this point of view is to list or note foods that are digestible and not consumable by frogs. Some of the human foods that frogs can eat basic frog eating plan, such as:

Similar to human beings, frogs living in captivity eat different variety of fishes such as molluscs and goldfish, provided that the prey can be caught where the predator is smaller.

 Frogs prefer to live fish. Many frogs catch the fish; they roll their sticky tongues and then swallow all of the fish.

Small Mammals

Small mammals like mice and smaller rats are often chows for frogs. Frogs and mammals follow the same size-oriented principle:

 If the frog can reach the mouton of the mammal so the strong jaws of the frog will do their smashing job, the frog will consume the mammal.

The adorned horned frog also called the Packman frog, eats mice. In one step or with one lick, African bullfrogs suck rodents and goats even.


Few bigger frogs can eat birds also. In 2009 the big-mouthed frog of Choral — a fanged frog — was discovered in Thailand. It was sitting by streams awaiting the arrival of unsuspecting birds and other mammals.

Many of more prominent species of frog approximately 8 inches long and weighing up to 1-5 pounds, including American bullfrog, collect birds for a meal also. The frog swallows the bird, which is easily catchable as they pray.

Being similar to human diet those birds chopped of or alive can be given to frog as their meal including chicken, ostrich sparrow etc.


Your frog menu is not complete without lots of fresh, clean, chlorinated water. 

Tap water is also excellent, as long as there is no chlorine in it. Online or in aquarium supply stores, you can find suitable de-chlorinators.

Test the water you use regularly or check with your municipal water provider to ensure that it is free of harmful elements that may sicken your frog.

And don’t expect your frog to sip a bottle of water. Frogs don’t drink the way mammals are usually supposed to instead of drinking water from the mouth; frogs absorb water by osmosis. 

They have a skin patch on their abdomen to absorb water.

One way to supply your frog with water is to spray your tank to ensure adequate hydration and to keep the humidity high.

It takes some anticipation, but it takes a long while to ensure that your frog remains a normal part of the family for many years, knowing what supplies are required for optimal health and providing a complete whole diet.

Vitamins and Supplements

It is essential to ensure that your frog food gets sufficient vitamin A. Which is something that cannot be produced by the body of frog on its own?

Vitamins include a variety of “good loaded” live insects — insects that have gone on to feed on foods rich in vitamins over 24 hours, including sweet potatoes or commercial intestine foods that include vitamin A and calcium with some of the phosphorous supplements.

Include this enriched frog food in about every other feeding also it can include those foods used by human also besides all the fruits and vegetables.

Tamed Food

Tamed food includes all the kind of packed food one can get from aquarium shops. It can be the food your frog gets used to eating, including human food.

But before starting to feed and tame the taste buds of your frog to new kind of food ensures that your frog is not a baby anymore and grown enough to digest the food you feed them.

Final Verdict!

It’s a common belief, above all, that the frog kept as a pet is a terrestrial nature frog, which can quickly conform to your environment, but they are little selective with their food.

It would help if you fed them a range of human food beyond those restricted such as fruit and vegetables because they are carnivores by nature.

  • Similar to human they can eat fish of different sizes alive or dead both
  • Keeping their diet routines in view also ensure enough vitamins for them and treat them with little treats, often including their favorite food, i.e. worms and insects. 
  • When kept as pet frogs can be tamed to eat food of your choice except veggies and fruits.
  • They must be kept nutritive and supplied water excessively by means of osmosis.
  • Another category of human food given to frogs includes mammals and birds depending on the size of your pet they are fed with different animals.

If you were worried about taking a pet frog concerning their diet, you don’t need to worry about it now.

Take your frog right now!