Diet - Rabbit Rabbits

Can Rabbits Eat Oranges?

Can rabbits eat oranges
Written by Mehwish Imtiaz

Rabbits are mammals that hop from one place to another. Although growing increasingly common as pets, they need specific care to be happy. Being a rabbit owner, you must be concerned about your rabbit’s health and well-being. Rabbits need a balanced life for a happy and healthy life.

Rabbits are herbivores and are mainly plant-eaters. The fundamental part of rabbits’ diet should consist of fresh grass hay(not your garden cuttings, though) and clean water. If you know how to work on macros, you may also include a good amount of fruits and vegetables into the diet of your bunny.

We are doing a complete series on our blog, guiding you about each and every aspect of the diet of bunny, what to do and what to avoid. So, stay connected and have a healthy relationship with your adorable little fella.

In this article, we are going to discuss what to do when your rabbit hops around you when you are eating oranges. A question may arise in your mind that you should give this fruit to them or not. Are oranges safe for bunnies?

If, yes then how much is the safe amount? And all the other aspects you need to consider. After reading this blog post, you will be able to know about different aspects of the orange diet to your rabbits.

Yes, rabbits can safely have oranges like other fruits. They shouldn’t, however, account for the majority of a rabbit’s diet.

Oranges are not toxic at all, but they contain a high proportion of acids. Due to this reason, they may affect the sensitive gut of your bunny. So, they should only be given in small amounts.

Rabbits love the juicy flavour of oranges. Your rabbit may wander around you when you are eating oranges.

Oranges contain a lot of nutritional components, including a significant portion of antioxidants essential to w down the ageing of your bunny and prevent it from diseases.

How Often Can Rabbits Take Oranges?

Rabbits should never be given more than a quarter of orange once a week.

The fundamental part of a rabbit’s diet should include grass, fresh vegetables, and large amounts of water. For additional nutrients, feed your rabbit fruits weekly. The recommended amount for fruits is 1-2 tablespoons per 5 pounds of body weight, once a week. Like humans, they do not need them daily in large quantities.

As described earlier, they can have citrus fruits like oranges in small amounts in their diet. They can be given only as an occasional treat. Keeping in mind the acidic content of oranges, rabbits are recommended to have oranges once a week. Giving oranges to rabbits daily can burden their digestive system by upsetting gut pH and can lead to various health problems.

Major Nutritional Components In Orange:

Orange is one of the most popular pulpy fruits of the citrus family. According to the US Department of Agriculture, 100g of oranges have the following major components

Content Quantity
47 kcal
11.80 g
9.4 g
1 g
Dietary Fiber
2.4 g

So, We Have The Following Graph (1.1)

Nutrients in 100g Of Oranges

Vitamins And Minerals:

Now, when it comes to minerals and vitamins, these are also essential for maintaining the health and normal metabolism of the rabbit. Strawberries are a rich source of essential minerals and antioxidants. In 166g of strawberries, we have

Vitamin And Minerals In One Cup Of Oranges
60 mg
237 mg
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
70 mg
44 micrograms

 So, we have :

Amount Of Minerals And Vitamins In One Cup Of Oranges

Besides these, we also have Vitamin B6, Thiamine, and magnesium in the orange pulp. Oranges are also categorized between medium-high oxalic acid content fruits. Oxalic acid plays a significant role in crystalizing calcium to form calcium oxalate and eventually forming kidney stones and causing obstructions

Insight From Nutritional Content Data:

From the above data, you come to know the following facts:

  1. Oranges are rich in sugars
  2. Oranges are rich in antioxidants and other vitamins
  3. Oranges are low in fiber.
  4. Oranges are low in proteins

From all these facts, you can understand that oranges are a luxurious source of essential food components, especially antioxidants that have a significant role in maintaining normal metabolism and health.

However, there are also multiple health risks associated with them which can have detrimental long-term effects. So it would be best if you stayed on the safer side to avoid any undesirable effect yet have all the benefits at the same time.

Health Benefits Of Oranges For Rabbits

Oranges contain a lot of essential nutrients. Oranges are popular juicy fruits among the citrus fruits. Oranges are highly nutritious for humans and somewhat is valid for rabbits. Here are some essential benefits of oranges for rabbits:

  • Low In Calories: Oranges are low in calories and contain no saturated cholesterol or fats.
  • Gut Stimulant: They have a lot of pectins, which is a form of fiber. Pectin is a powerful laxative that aids in the immediate elimination of colon contents. As a result, this organ may be exposed to toxic substances for a short period that may otherwise cause severe disease.
  • Lower Blood Cholesterol: Pectin also helps to lower blood cholesterol levels by stopping them from being reabsorbed.
  • Maintain Blood Pressure: Due to salt imbalance in the body, the blood pressure of the rabbits can rise. This high pressure can have multiple effects on the heart and blood vessels of the rabbit. Oranges are an excellent source of potassium, which counters the effect of sodium in the body and reduces blood pressure.
  • Excellent Antioxidant Capability: Vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants in the world. Free radicals are always produced in the body, which, if not destroyed duly, can cause rapid ageing, which also affects the lifespan of the rabbit. Moreover, they are also the most common cause of cancer in living organisms.

Antioxidants destroy not only free radicals but also have a significant effect on inflammation. The antioxidants help in detoxification and reduce inflammation. Furthermore, The abundance of antioxidants in oranges also helps to prevent the formation of blood clots. Moreover, they also work against cancer and oxidative stress.

Oranges are also rich in Hesperidin, Beta-cryptoxanthin, Lycopene, and Anthocyanins, which make them one of the best antioxidants having multiple health benefits.

  • Bone Strength: Calcium is very important in having good bone health and also maintain average electrolyte balance in blood for proper functioning. A significant amount of calcium is present in oranges, which plays an essential role in strengthing bones.

Health Risk Associated With Oranges

Despite nutritional values, oranges can have some health risks associated with rabbits. So, they should be given in small amounts. They can have the following adverse events if given in large amounts: 

Bone Disorders

Oranges comprise high levels of oxalates. These oxalates can bind to calcium and form calcium oxalate stones. Calcium is not soluble in this form and renders calcium levels low. To bind calcium to oxalates, excess calcium comes from bones, and they become weak.

Rabbits can also suffer from metabolic bone disorders as a result. So calcium supplements are recommended along with citrus fruits. Moreover, never feed oranges with other higher moderate oxalates items, e.g., tomatoes, spinach, cabbage etc.


Generally, all fruits contain sugar content. So, this is the case with oranges. Oranges are sugary and delicious. If rabbits eat them in large quantities, they can suffer from obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease, and cardiovascular diseases.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Oranges are citrus fruits and contain citric acid. Citric acid has similar effects in humans a well as rabbits. It irritates the stomach lining and causes gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea. If your rabbit has diarrhea for a long time, it can lead to severe dehydration and other health problems. Acid can also affect the gut ph which will

High Sugar Content

The digestive system of rabbits is quite different from that of humans. They do not possess constant movement of stomach muscles which help to digest food and high fiber content. Oranges contain a lot of sugar that is why bunnies love them. Eating this kind of food more than the required amount can cause diarrhea, bloating, and other digestive problems. You should give oranges to your bunny only once a week.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Rabbits Eat Oranges Peel?

The outer part of oranges should be wholly removed before giving to rabbits. The orange peels are highly acidic. Sometimes, fruits are treated with chemicals. So, orange peel can have toxins that can be harmful to your rabbits. Usually, vets do not recommend orange peel. Rabbits should only be given the pulp part of the fruit.

Can Baby Bunnies Eat Oranges?

Baby bunnies have a much sensitive digestive system as compared to rabbits. Wait until they reach eight months of age for feeding citrus and juicy fruits like oranges. When they reach this age, slowly introduce them to juicy fruits. Wait for 24 hours in case of any adverse reaction. If everything goes right, you can proceed with more juicy fruits.

Can Rabbits Eat White Threads On Oranges?

The rabbits can safely white threads present on the outer part of the fruit. They can take it along with the fruit. White fibers are highly rich in fiber and antioxidants. They are beneficial for a rabbit’s healthy diet.

Can Rabbits Have Orange Juice?

Rabbits can take a sip of orange juice at one time. But orange juice or other juices should not be substituted with rabbit’s daily water supply. Moreover, you should better avoid giving orange juice to your bunny. It is very high in sugar and acid and low in fiber which can ultimately lead to an instant diarrhea if given in a bit excess. Moreover, the acid in orange juice has a severe effect on the gut of your bunny. You better need to avoid giving a solo orange diet and juice to your bunny. Always pair it with other food components.


Oranges are high in a variety of nutrients that can help rabbits rabbits having multiple health advantages. Different rabbits, however, can react differently. Often consult your rabbit’s veterinarian for guidance about how much orange to feed.

It will help if you have also learned which other fruits are beneficial or harmful. Also, if you give your rabbit oranges, keep an eye on their well-being. Moreover, if you are new to having a bunny, first begin learning about having a bunny as a pet and then having this little creature at your home. I hope this article proves useful for you and now you understand how much oranges can be given to rabbits. If you still have any queries, drop down your comment or contact us. We would be happy to help.

All the information and suggestions in this article are derived in light of credible sources:

  1. Rabbit Feeding and Nutrition by P.R. Cheeke
  2. Rabbits Health, Husbandry & Diseases by V Richardson
  3. Textbook of Rabbit Medicine by Frances Harcourt-Brown
  4. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Veterinary Medicine.
  5. The National Research Council Publication on Rabbit Nutrients
  6. Day to day experience and record from clinical practices
  7. Things and hacks that work for me.